Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Walking in the rain

"Our bodies are drip-dry. We are not made of sugar and won't melt in the rain." This is what I told myself when considering NOT to walk today. Most of us had concerned mothers who wouldn't let us step outside without being swathed in all manner of rain gear, and thought we would surely die if we got wet. My mother was not like that. Instead she provided rain gear either an umbrella or rain jacket and off we went.

"There is no reason to stop walking just because the rainy weather arrived today" is what I said to myself a couple of times before I believed it. Whether it is April showers or autumn drizzle, you can boldly walk among the raindrops and survive. So off I went into the drizzle loaded with an umbrella. And guess what?
I survived! :o)

Now I did get wet. Not soaked, but when I arrived home I had this light mist of moisture over all of my clothes. Easy fix. Toss in the dryer and they are all set. It is not the ideal situation but if I am going to walk 39 miles in two days I have to train.

Till next time.