Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Walking in the rain

"Our bodies are drip-dry. We are not made of sugar and won't melt in the rain." This is what I told myself when considering NOT to walk today. Most of us had concerned mothers who wouldn't let us step outside without being swathed in all manner of rain gear, and thought we would surely die if we got wet. My mother was not like that. Instead she provided rain gear either an umbrella or rain jacket and off we went.

"There is no reason to stop walking just because the rainy weather arrived today" is what I said to myself a couple of times before I believed it. Whether it is April showers or autumn drizzle, you can boldly walk among the raindrops and survive. So off I went into the drizzle loaded with an umbrella. And guess what?
I survived! :o)

Now I did get wet. Not soaked, but when I arrived home I had this light mist of moisture over all of my clothes. Easy fix. Toss in the dryer and they are all set. It is not the ideal situation but if I am going to walk 39 miles in two days I have to train.

Till next time.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Flowers for Sandy

When I was having a coversation with Sandy the other day she was feeling good. I was thinking what can I do to help her feel good when her body is working against her after her next treatment. So I had her local florest take her a beautiful bouquet of flowers. She told me she was going to take them and put them on her dresser in her bedroom if she gets as sick with the next treatment as she did with her last one. She told me she was a flower person and loves them.

Lesson learned: You never know what one thing you do to make a difference with be the one thing that really does make a difference.

I am having trouble getting out walking so I did something proactive to help give myself the push I need.  I set up a meet up group in my town http://www.meetup.com/ to have people join me in my walks. The first day I had 4 people interested. Now my walks won't be so boring and I will have company during my training.

Soon I will be having a link set up here for people to be able to contribute to my fundraising for the walk.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Be the change you want to see in the world

Today I saw this quote and thought how true. If you want something in your life to change, you have to be apart of that change. The money I raise for my walk will help make a difference.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Week 1 day 2 September 14

I have been away getting our house in Florida we purchased recently ready for future visits. While I was away I did not train at all. I did get in exercise by walking at Disney and fighting the waves in the ocean so it was not a total loss. I found a training guide on the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer website that I will use as a guide. Today I walked 2 miles at level 3.

This is the site that has the training schedule if you want to check it out.

On another note I talked to Sandy and she had her first Chemo treatment last week. It was rough for a few days and today she is getting her hair cut. I can not imagine how difficult this must be for her, my brother and nephew.

Monday, August 9, 2010

The weather is going to be in the upper 90"s again today. I am glad I walked my 3 miles early.

Tomorrow Sandy has her surgery. Today she is feeling anxious and I know I would be feeling the same way if it were me. It will be the first day for her to begin the healing process from Breast Cancer.

Today I stopped to watch a woodpecker tapping away at a tree. They are a very interesting bird. Did you know Woodpeckers tap an estimated 8,000-12,000 times per day. That is a lot of tapping.

Friday, August 6, 2010

I am walking three miles a day this week. Yesterday a funny thing happened at the end of my walk.

After my first mile with my new shoes I noticed some muscles starting to strain. Not a good thing on the first mile. I read somewhere that muscles can constrict because they are in need of hydration. I stopped in at the house and grabbed a bottle of water. I consumed the entire bottle during lap two and tossed it in the yard as I went by on my way to completing mile three.

When I got almost to my house on the final lap the lady across from my house a couple of doors down came flying out her front door and started yelling at me to pick up that bottle I threw in the yard across the way. I looked at her stunned for a moment and then she said, " I saw you throw that bottle in the yard and I thought how rude of you. Please take it with you." With a little laugh I explained that it was my lawn. She of course was very apoligetic not realizing who I was and was just looking out for me. I thought it was funny and am grateful to know that my neighbors look out for me. You just never know who is looking out for you when you are not home.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Today I was able to walk the three miles with hardly any problems. I stopped after one mile to loosen the lases and my feet like that. :o) 

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Just completed my 3 miles for today! I walked a mile this morning but had a kink in my neck so I could not do another mile. Then this afternoon I went and bought a good pair of walking shoes. All of the research I have done says you have to get a pair from someone who knows to how to look at your gait and show you shoes that work best for your feet. Taking care of my feet is one of the things that will help me to make it all of the way.

So tonight after dinner I decided to give these shoes a try out. I walked one mile and my feet hurt right around the edges. So I stopped back at the house after the one mile and did a little streching and loosened the lases. Presto they felt great the second mile. YEAH!
Can't wait till tomorrow to see how three miles at one time works out with the new shoes.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Today I walked to the bank and home. Total 3 miles. It felt great and I was not tired at all or sore. I know I need to look into getting some good walking shoes. I did some research but did not come up with anything helpful yet. I need to find a store that can fit me for a good pair. Right now I am walking in my sketchers and they feel great even though they don't really offer any support or cushion.

Talked to Sandy and Mom today and both are in good spirits.
My first blog will give a hystory of the walking I have accomplished up until I made the decision to to start training for the Avon walk in Washington DC next year.
7/26 - 2.25 miles

7/27 - 1 mile
7/28 - 2 miles
7/31 - 2 miles
8/1   - 3 miles
8/2  - 2.25 miles

On August 2nd I made the commitment  to do the walk.